Instructor Video guidelines

Guideline for creating high-quality video content

Here are some guidelines for creating high-quality online video content:

  1. Plan your video: Before you start creating a video, take the time to plan out your content. Define your audience, what you want to convey, and what actions you want them to take after watching the video.

  2. Use a high-quality camera: Use a camera with high resolution to capture the video. A minimum of 1080p resolution is recommended for most online video platforms. You may also use a smart phone with high-quality video capture capability.

  3. Use good lighting: Ensure that your video is well-lit, so the viewer can clearly see what’s happening. Use natural light or good-quality lighting equipment to get the desired effect.

  4. Use clear and high-quality audio: Invest in a good microphone to ensure that your voice or any other sound you want to capture is recorded with clarity.

  5. Keep it concise: Keep the video concise and to the point. The ideal video length is between 3-5 minutes.

  6. Keep it engaging: Make your video interesting by adding visuals, animations, and transitions, where appropriate. (optional)

  7. Use closed captioning: Add closed captioning to your video for people who are hearing impaired or prefer to read the text.

  8. Optimize for mobile: Make sure your video is optimized for viewing on mobile devices, as many people prefer to watch videos on their phones.

  9. Use high-quality editing: Use professional editing software to edit the video, and remove any unnecessary clips or segments. Ensure that the video has a logical flow and is easy to follow.

  10. Choose the right format: Use a format that is supported by all the major online video platforms, such as MP4 or MOV.

By following these guidelines, you can create high-quality online video content that will engage and educate your audience.